In today's world, where a younger appearance is more and more important and many people can no longer tolerate wrinkles and sagging skin, the 6D Star Lift Application continues to be a lifesaver for many women and men. In addition to the comfort it provides, the 6D Star Lift Application, which is becoming more and more popular day by day due to its effective application in a short time and not interrupting social life, is one of the ideal applications for all women and men who need recovery in the subcutaneous tissues and want to leave the signs of aging behind.

6D Star Hanger Application is a kind of suspension, that is, skin recovery and stretching application. The effects start to be seen immediately after the application and these effects last for an average of 2 years. The purpose of the 6D Star Suspension Application, which uses threads with longer lasting durability compared to many suspension methods, is not only to recover and suspend the subcutaneous tissues and skin; but also to trigger collagen production in the skin. The skin, whose collagen production is triggered, becomes more inclined to repair itself. Thus, the tissues suspended with the 6D Star Suspension Application become permanent for a longer period of time thanks to the collagen production that starts in the skin.