Paris glow contains 12 vitamins, protein/elastin/collagen, 24 amino acids, 6 coenzymes and 5 nucleic acids, 6 minerals, and other ingredients (Glutathione, Polysorbate 80, Glucuronic acid, Glucuronic acid lactone, Glucosamine, Dextrose anhydrous) to fight against excessive free radicals.
The paris radiance application, which is an injection procedure, is performed in sessions. In the paris radiance application, which is a procedure in which the number of sessions is determined according to the needs of the patient, 3 sessions applied 15 days apart and 2 sessions applied 30 days apart are often sufficient. However, it should not be forgotten that the skin is a living tissue. Therefore, although the number of sessions in the application is uncertain, repeating the procedure annually will help you maintain the brightness and vitality of your skin even if time passes.